From Chemistry to Electricity
Bridging the Energy Gap and Lowering Carbon Intensity
BESS Integrates with The Grid
Intermittent renewables like wind and solar need a reliable back up — and high-capacity BESS bridge the gap. BESS can also be used to create new revenue streams through peak shaving or generate energy savings by capitalizing on the volatility of the electricity market.
BESS Enhances Microgrids
Isolated microgrids perform better with BESS by buffering generation from multiple energy sources. Customers and communities can maximize efficiencies and minimize carbon intensity.
BESS is Simple: Charge, Discharge and Support the Grid
The idea behind BESS is simple. Battery cells are charged with electricity from the grid or microgrid when power is abundant and inexpensive. The energy is stored until electricity is scarce, expensive, and urgently needed. Then the batteries are discharged.
BESS can discharge its energy over 1, 2 or 4 hours. C ratings of 1.0C, 0.5C and 0.25C describe the ratio between output over energy storage capacity. For example, a 1 MW power discharge from 2 MWh of energy storage capacity is a 0.5C BESS.
Turnkey BESS from Enerflex
Enerflex knows how to deliver turnkey power and cogeneration projects around the globe at scale, so our electric power team has a head start over competitors. The team has expanded and is now delivering turnkey BESS projects for utilities, IPPs, governments, and other industrial customers.
EVLO Certified Turnkey Solutions Provider
Enerflex is an EVLO Certified Turnkey Solution Provider. Hydro-Québec’s EVLO Battery Energy Storage Systems use proprietary lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery cells. Compared to traditional lithium-ion cells, LFP delivers superior thermal and chemical stability. On top of outstanding performance and safety, EVLO technology prioritizes lifecycle environmental sustainability.

Enerflex in Action
- Ontario, Canada
Connecting Battery Storage to The Grid Cuts Costs and Emissions
Enerflex developed a complete integrated turnkey solution for a peak shaving project using Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to enable a government campus to save on high energy costs. The 3.5MW / 14MWh system imports power from the grid when tariffs are low and returns it to the grid when demand pushes prices higher. The battery system replaces fossil fuel alternatives.
The system uses seven linked EVLOFLEX BESS modules. Enerflex provided the integration of BESS into the balance of plant which included the engineering, design, installation, and commissioning.Outcome
As an EVLO Certified Turnkey Solution Provider, Enerflex’s turnkey BESS system gave the project cost certainty and minimized risk. Enerflex used Hydro-Québec’s best-in-class lithium iron phosphate battery technology to improve performance and lifecycle sustainability. Additionally, EVLO’s next generation BESS contains fire mitigation protection mechanisms at every level above the cell level: module, rack, tray, and enclosure. This was one of the key deciding factors for the customer when choosing to go with this solution.