Global Growth Through Differentiation

Value Creation Through Complementary Products and Regions

Enerflex is a premier integrated global provider of energy infrastructure and energy transition solutions, strategically investing in energy solutions to transform energy for a sustainable future.

  • Technical excellence in modular energy solutions, featuring synergistic product lines across the energy value chain.
  • Proven expertise in enabling global decarbonization efforts.
  • Track record of low leverage.
  • Accelerated growth in gross margin from recurring sources to stabilize cash flows and reduce cyclicality.
  • We are strategically located where the resource is – North America, Latin America, and Eastern Hemisphere.
  • Dividend-payer since 2011.
  • Strong free cash flow profile in 2023 and beyond expected to enhance capital allocation optionality and Enerflex’s ability to increase return of capital to shareholders.

Enerflex is focused on profitably expanding all product and service lines across our global operations.

  • Engineered Systems: Custom or standard designed, engineered, and fabricated gas compression, gas processing, refrigeration, and power generation solutions.
  • Integrated Turnkey (ITK): Turnkey Engineered Systems with local construction and commissioning capabilities.
  • After-Market Services (AMS): Full after-market parts and services for all products.
  • Energy Infrastructure: Any Engineered Systems or ITK product owned by Enerflex and provided to our customers on a leased or Build-Own-Operate-Maintain (BOOM) basis.