Spend Less on Energy and More on Public Services

Hospitals, Universities, and Other Public Buildings Can Take Control of Their Power Needs

Public institutions, like hospitals and universities, consume significant amounts of energy as power and heat — and as public budgets are tightened, those costs are under close scrutiny. Natural gas cogeneration systems from Enerflex are an important tool to make institutions more energy efficient, redirecting resources where they are needed most.

An Efficient Single-Source for All Your Energy

For managers of hospitals, university campuses, or other major public facilities, cogeneration saves on operating costs, and increases energy resilience. Using a reciprocating natural gas engine-based combined heat and power (CHP) plant means a single fuel source for all electricity and heat requirements. Additionally, in a trigeneration system, surplus heat can be used to generate chilled water for refrigeration, using an absorption chiller. Since natural gas is the cleanest form of fossil fuel, these benefits come with low carbon emissions.

Imagine a hospital with a gas-powered trigeneration plant. It can generate hot water for cleaning, steam for sterilization, and cooling for air conditioning, as well as electricity for lighting and equipment. Having a reliable power source means that in an emergency, a public building can function with no connection to the electrical grid.

Enerflex has the expertise to bring cogeneration and trigeneration to the public sector.

Power, Cogeneration, or Trigeneration. Enerflex Delivers.

Diagram of a Jenbacher gas engine cogeneration system with heat exchangers, exhaust gas, electrical energy, and building connections.

Enerflex is the Jenbacher Distributor and Service Provider for Canada and also provides Jenbacher products and lifecycle solutions across most USA states. The Company is also a global Platinum Power Packager for Waukesha engines and parts. For detailed product information about the different INNIO engine types and applications – click here.

Logo of Jenbacher Innio, Distributor & Service Provider.
Waukesha INNIO logo with orange and black text and an arrow-like design element, representing energy solutions and innovation.

Enerflex in Action

  • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    633 kWe Cogeneration Solution Powers Local Hospital

    Enerflex developed a turnkey cogeneration project that was installed on the roof of a health centre without disrupting day-to-day hospital performance. The Enerflex team supplied and installed a behind-the-fence package of one Jenbacher JMC312, running at 1,800 RPM, delivering 633 kWe or 387 kWt at 600V.


    The cogeneration plant is discretely situated in a container on the roof of the hospital, intertied with existing infrastructure to provide power, hot water, and steam.

  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    800 kW Combined Heat and Power Solution — Public Leisure Multiplex

    Enerflex worked closely with an Alberta utility company to create a CHP solution for a renovated public leisure multiplex. The wave pool, ice rinks, library, and gym were heavy users of electricity, with a correspondingly high utility bill. A 600V, 1,800 RPM Jenbacher JMC316, generating 800 kW, was integrated into the building management system. 

    As part of the natural gas CHP system, Enerflex installed a Stamford generator, Guntner radiator, and Hering and Ameridex exhaust gas heat exchangers.


    The new genset solution supplies heat and power to the entire multiplex much more efficiently, controlled by the building management system. Excess heat from the system preheats the boiler for the facility. The result is a significant savings on utility costs.